Animal Control Officer
Residents, Please contact Advanced Animal Control directly for the best service.
Daytime 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 365 days a year
Injured or deceased dogs or cats
Owner unknown, unavailable, or unable to handle situation
Confirmed stray, domestic animals
Aggressive animal at large
Bite cases
Cats "stray" or unsocialized, guidance
Sick/Injured/ophaned wildlife
Wildlife in homes
Healthy wildlife consultation
Transport of owned dogs and cats to a veterinary hospital with the contracted service area for owners who are truly unable to get their animals to the hospital, e.g., elderly, physical limiations
Evenings 5:01 PM - 7:59 AM 365 days a year
Confined stray dogs
Injured dogs and cats
Stray dogs or cats involved in bite cases when the animal is still at the scene of the incident
Deceased dogs and cats who have expired inside the home
Bats/other wildlife in living space of home (bedroom,kitchen,living room, etc.)
Sick/Injured/Orphaned wildlife
Other true emergencies when animal control officer on duty has spoken with police and deemed a response is necessary