FINANCE for the Borough of Milford, New Jersey
CFO, Bill Hance
Phone: 908-995-7205
The Finance Officer processes all financial transactions; accounts payable, payroll, revenue, investments, and debt issuance. Outside contractors that support the Finance Office include the independent auditor, bond counsel, and banking services. Responsibilities of the Borough’s Finance Office, in addition to processing financial transactions, include monitoring compliance with the many state and federal laws and regulations governing municipal finance, guiding other Borough Offices on complying with said laws and regulations regarding internal and external financial reporting, financial planning, and other technical assistance to the Mayor and Council in preparing the annual municipal budget, and monitoring spending against the adopted municipal budget.

Powers and Duties of the Chief Financial Officer
The treasurer shall be the municipality's chief financial officer and shall keep and maintain books and records of all financial transactions of the municipality in accordance with the standards and requirements of the State Division of Local Government. The treasurer shall have custody of all public monies of the municipality. The CFO shall make monthly reports to Council of all receipts, expenditures, commitments, and unencumbered appropriation balances.
2024 Introduced Budget

2022 Adopted Budget

2020 Milford Borough Audit

2021 Adopted Budget

2020 Milford Borough Audit

2020 Adopted Budget

2019 Milford Borough Audit