The Board meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM
In-Person Meetings will Resume at the Library on April 24th, 2023, at 7 PM
The Milford Joint Planning Board & Board of Adjustment is empowered by Borough Ordinance; the Board creates and periodically revises the Borough Master Plan, controls the subdivision process, and reviews site plans for major and minor subdivision. The Board reviews Variance applications, and creates an official map reflecting the Master Plan.
The Joint Planning Board & Board of Adjustment consists of the following members:
Carol Bernotas, Chairperson
Jeffrey Livingston Vice Chair
Henri Schepens
Jeffrey Livingston
Brenda O’Shea
Regina Stem
Jef Betz - Alternate #1
Joseph David - Alternate #2
Tara Felicio-Alternate # 3

NJTPA is conducting a study and would like more input from Hunterdon County.
Take Our Survey
Your responses will help us identify where there are challenges to safely walking or biking. Once you have completed the survey, please use the interactive map on the website under the survey to identify specific locations in our region. The survey will be open through October 2022.